Boost Your Debugging Efficiency: Auto-Scrolling to Failure Logs in IntelliJ IDEA

Why is it not enabled by default??

As developers, we often find ourselves running tests within our Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) to ensure our code behaves as expected. IntelliJ IDEA, a popular choice among developers, offers a feature to streamline our workflow, including a handy functionality that automatically scrolls to the failure logs when a test fails. It takes a minute to enable it (I am astonished that this is not enabled by default), yet is such a game-changer for me.

Steps to activate auto-scroll to failure reason log

  1. In the tests run view, enable “Settings”->”Test Runner Settings”->”Scroll to Stack Trace”.
  2. Run Your test
  3. Enjoy!!
Enable autoscroll to failure log



Przemysław Żochowski

Passionate Java full-stack developer. Strong advocate of the motto: "If you can't explain something in simple words, you don't understand it well enough"